Monday, April 01, 2013

Teds' DNA

Well, Teds' DNA from came back. Pretty much what was suspected, no surprises.

88% of his genetic "makeup" is from the British Isles, which include England, Ireland, Scotland and Wales. I show his Paternal Great Grandfather, Patrick Henry Rourke born in Ireland. 11% is from Eastern Europe. That includes Poland, Greece, Macedonia, Slovakia, Hungary, Croatia, Romania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia, Ukraine, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, Belarus, Moldova, Montenegro, Bulgaria, Belgarus, Kosovo.  

Teds' genealogy is challenging because we learned at the end of his fathers life that who Ted thought was his paternal grandfather was in fact a "step" grandfather, the natural grandfather is a mystery. His "step" grandfathers family comes from Germany, so had we not known this interesting tidbit of family information we would have been surprised not to see Germany.

So there were no surprises, but no clear answers.  Should be getting the DNA kit from National Geographic this week. Now it will be interesting to see what it will reveal.


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